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Life after death. What happens after we die? Many cultures and religions have beliefs on what happens to one after death. These beliefs are mostly based on testimony from those who claim to have knowledge on the afterlife by:
- They died and had been sent back to life (Near-Death Experience).
- They visited the afterlife when they were unconsious (Out of Body Experience).
- Had a vision of the afterlife or recalls the afterlife from a previous life (Reincarnation).
- Some being, such as an angel or spirit from the afterlife, visits them.
- Those that are shamans or intermediaries between the living and the dead.

So what happens after we die exactly?
Christian folks believe that the souls of good people are made into angels and brought to heaven.
The souls of those that were bad or evil during their life are sent to hell or face eternal damnation.
For the Zulus, the afterlife is the land of the dead. It is under the earth and a different dimension of this world that we live in.
Ancient Egyptians believed that during the life of one, they must act well and known the Rituals from the Book of the Dead in order to gain entry into the underworld. If the pharaoh's body was properly prepared, the deceased would ride with the Sun God daily.
Reincarnation is another belief, found often in Eastern Cultures. One is brought back to life either as an animal or a human based on the actions of our previous life. Other Eastern Cultures believe that once someone dies, the soul is recycled into other living things as they are born.