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Fi's Current Investigations


What is beyond the reach of mankind? Do Aliens really exist?

According to many testimonies by various individauls, they do. Aliens have abducted many men and women in order to perform some sort of experiments on them for research.

Aliens and the vehicles of Aliens have been researched for what could be eons. In the 1930's, over 1,200 people disappeared at Lake Anjikuni, Canada according to a source. The people vanished after seeing a strange aircraft in the sky. Everything was left behind, from rifles to their dogs and their clothing.
In 1947, Kenneth Arnold, an American pilot reported seeing nine strange shapes flying over Mount Rainer in Washington State. It was stated that the shapes were flying at over 1,700 miles per hour. It was stated that planes could only fly at about half the speed at this time.

And of course, there is good old Roswell, New Mexico.
In June of 1947, the American Goverment released a statement saying a UFO had crashed there. The statement was retracted later on of course, but it is said that all evidence was moved to some Area 51.